Nearly 30 years later.
#Youth #wolves
@SatScenes & @leehsl
— Eli Brody (@elibrody) May 3, 2014
@leehsl Many, many moons ago, almost 38 years have past since this barrow load was captured on coldest silver.
— Stacey Borg (@DrCurlytek) May 3, 2014
@leehsl just images; sizes and distortions: growing up is a process of coming down off a drug trip
— David Fono (@fonograph) May 3, 2014
@leehsl the bag is most likely full of special stones
— Ricky Haggett (@KommanderKlobb) May 3, 2014
These pink things were not like the others. They were smaller and didn't wear clothes. We'd been ready to accept them as our own, but one day mother took us out to hunt, and they stayed behind. By our return they'd gone, the smell of other, bigger pink things lingering around the den. It had been a good place, but it wasn't long before we moved.
@leehsl Monday's child is fair of face. Tuesday's child is full of grace
— Minkus lupus (@mink_ette) May 3, 2014